Braden Lucier


Due to my current job employment, I don't have many physical examples of completed works outside of my Website Development class.

So... Here are all of the sites I have created so far in the course:

Week 1!

Week 1 was all about introduction and getting comfortable.

Week 2! (Part 1) Week 2 (Part 2)

Week 2 involved created two different resumes using the same html (different CSS).

Week 3!

Week 3 was learning how to create a table of contents, and having working links that led you to different places on the page (Note. I didn't create this entire chess study for this class, I just used a chess study that I had already created :)

Week 4!

Week 4 was about creating lists and tables - this was one of my most fun to work on, especially the Jcole table.

Week 5!

Week 5 was about using external libraries, I choose to do some animation and an Icon with a little Javascript.

And thats all, Thank you for checking out my Portfolio