Braden Lucier


My name is Braden Lucier

I am currently an Intensive Paraeducator at Champlain Valley Union High School,

but my goal is to become a Software Engineer.

I have taken about half of the classes that I need to be able to get my degree, most have been general education requirements.

The rest of the classes that I have taken have been either math classes or learning programming languages.

Currently, I am taking my first Website Development course. I find it to be pretty fun!

I have had a little experience prior, but I've learned a lot already and I would even consider doing this as a job!

Now, my goal is still to be a Software Engineer, because I just love making things do things (Very technical language).

As a Paraeducator at CVU I have met a lot of cool people, both students and coworkers.

They're a great group of people and I'll be sad to move on, but I become increasingly excited to pursue this career as I learn more!

Some other things about me...

I am 21 years old, and there's 19 years in between me and my youngest sibiling!

I have grown up here, in Vermont.

I love a lot of things about vermont, like snowboarding and sugaring (Making maple syrup!),

but this summer I had the oppourtunity to spend the summer in DC, and that was amazing!

I got to visit all of the museums, experienced the joy of real traffic, but most importantly I learned that I really want to live in someplace like that.

Last few things...

I am double jointed in my elbows and fingers...

I have been snowboarding since I was 4 years old...

I am slightly (or slightly more than slightly) terrified of deep blue water...

Thank you for spending the time to read my autobiography!